Saturday, July 10, 2010

Saturday....preparation day!

Good evening....this is Tim. Finished loading and sorting all of our stuff into the motorhome today (can't decide what to call it. How about "Big Bertha"). Went out to Zorbas for pizza, and a beer or two. Good day!! Ready for takeoff in the morning.
Jeff has his new motorhome and all the toys that go with it. Gus brought his new SLR lens, and is ready to take some great pictures. I've got six new pair of socks and six new pair of underwear. In the game #1 ("who brought the best new stuff"), I won hands down!!
Off to Montana tomorrow......and the TRIP IS ON!!


  1. I'm ready for updates. I want to see a few more pictures of your "roughing it" accomodation.

  2. You guys have a Great time -- eh! But seriously, it sounds like trouble to me -- eh?!

  3. Question?!!! Is the tow vehicle used to haul the booze that you didn't have room for in the Motor Home?!!!! Almost looks like you're trying to sneak a few kegs in under you shirts!!
    Seriously---hope you are having lots of fun and great adventures.
